Supervised training report – special education and inclusive education
The internship activity in special and inclusive education is an activity that constitutes a critical analysis of the educational reality, the actions developed in the environment, the procedures and the educational resources used and adapted to the educational needs of students with special educational needs, establishing a broad and sensitive look at life embedded in the everyday school of special and inclusive education. The stage of special and inclusive education is a monument of great importance in the construction of the professional identity of both the educator who has worked for years in the field of special education, and the educator starting his professional career. The stage sees the reality of the facts in the staged context, but also a reflection and a critical analysis of the level of special and inclusive education, school facing reality with social reality. The internship allows to evaluate the different educational backgrounds, since they allow many reflections on the didactic and pedagogical, administrative, political, psychological, philosophical, school and other aspects that make up the school institution.
establishment of a critical analysis of current school reality, reflecting on the question of the ACE of teachers before new demands in ordinary education in the process of social inclusion and to the possibilities of new technologies for the special and inclusive education. Stage positively guides teachers, students, researchers, curious and interested in research activities of pedagogical practice in the inclusive educational context. It is believed that research is one of the most important scientific principles for the construction of knowledge, the training of teachers of indispensable will as a trainee feels prompted to commit by curiosity, the desire to seek and overcome, is able to work with the indicators that arise during the collection of data, since the process is important, not only the results obtained, in short, the scene in educational contexts favors the learning process of the teaching of the future, leading him to learn about the proposals adopted by the school towards students with special educational needs. The internship in special and inclusive education is an indispensable and important tool for future training in the area of specialization in special education and inclusive education, since through the first stage analyzes the essential aspects for the practice of teaching in the educational and social integration through a program adapted to the construction of identities and recognition of human diversity. The stage in practice provided relevant learning to allow real and direct contact with the school, teachers, staff and especially with the students.
Through observations and questions, we analyzed the methodological proposal by the educators of the schools is based on an important and beneficial teaching and learning, there are all people with limitations, including in education in this about different learning rates. In the report was used many methodological procedures such as live lectures via satellite (teleaulas) with interaction via 0800, reflection development activities and debate between students / teachers via the virtual learning environment (forum), debates and explanations by web radio to answer questions with the teacher concerned, studies on the learning route. We also used,
The elements that will be elaborated in this report include: Identification and characterization of the school staged, characterization of the class and the professionals, the profile file of the group observed, the recording of the descriptive meetings in the schools, the report of the educators, the description and reflective analysis of the activities of special education and inclusive education internships, the scenario of participation and observation in school, the preparation of the lesson plan applying the same and the preparation of the action plan in the schools.
Staged Identification and Characterization of THE INSTITUTION
The internship work in Special and Inclusive Education was carried out at the School of Basic Education Adriana Bonordt AE – EF / Start – EJA I phase and type of Special and Inclusive Education. The institution was founded on October 29 of the year 2005, located in rural areas in the community of Coxilha Bonita line, the main street s / n, located in Bela Vista Caroba in the southwest Parana region, CEP: 85745-000, contact with the Adriana Bonordt school can be made by telephone (46) 3557-1275 or by email apaesonhoencantadobvc@hotmail.com , CNPJ under n° 07703016 / 0001-00.
The characterization of the school building is well structured, the spaces are large and bright, it has architectural structures that meet the mobility needs of some students with specific limitations. Lighting and ventilation are of excellent quality in all classrooms, including the building in general, cleaning is efficient (rooms, cafeteria, corridors, drinkers, tables, desks, bathrooms, courtyard and kitchen), there is a lot of hygiene and dedication, not only on the part of the guards, but also on the part of the teachers, the management and the students, where they take care of the school, thus avoiding contamination and there is light and healthy air for all. The classrooms of the institution have walls decorated with great creativity,
The furnishings in general are in perfect state of conservation and disposal of the student population and the school community. At the school, the teachers’ room is large and decorative with access to the library and computers, the administrative services space has an excellent size and the availability of collaboration materials, the teaching space and student support and for teachers is broad and has features tailored to the particular needs of students, as well as teaching materials and diverse teaching and learning tools. The classrooms are spacious, well organized, sanitized, bright with excellent ventilation, portfolios and tables in the classroom are arranged in rows and circles. The power is provided by the school,